Thursday 20 September 2012


Hi - it's Wilson here, and in this post I'm going to talk to you about traffic... Because traffic is the lifeblood of any website, It is essential But so often I get emails asking me....

"How can I generate more traffic to my site?"

So here I have for you 65 ways to drive traffic to your blog Even if you use just 3 - 5 of them you WILL see a really nice increase in traffic to your site. More traffic means more sales and more profit. Simple as that. On that list of 65 there is one that has been missed off.

It is the absolute most powerful and BEST way to drive traffic to your site. Can you guess what it is?

Hint: everyone needs to know about it, and needs to do it right. Next post I'm going to be going in depth about this exact technique, so make sure you open it up to see if guessed it. For now here are the 65 ways to get traffic:

Speak soon,


PS. Feel free to reply with your guess if you can't wait :-)